Malabsorption and maldigestion cause cystic fibrosis to have a medically necessary nutrient requirement, as the body is unable to digest food normally and absorb the nutrients contained in the food due to a genetic defect.
Due to the genetic defect, the chloride channels of the cells are damaged, so that the secretion of all exocrine glands is disturbed. Affected are the respiratory tract and lungs, gastrointestinal tract, liver and bile, reproductive organs and sweat glands. If nutrients such as vitamins and minerals (zinc) can not be absorbed in sufficient quantities from the diet, it is good to supplement them with a dietary supplement. The patients have an increased energy requirement due to the multiple disease events, but at the same time there is a reduced intake (disturbed digestion). CF patients are therefore under regular medical supervision. Especially in children, the control of physical development (thriving) in the foreground.
To compensate for deficits due to impaired food intake (eg vitamin deficiency), the European Consensus Report and the recent ESPEN-ESPGHAN-ECFS guidelines on the nutrition of CF patients [1] recommend the intake of certain nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements, including the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K contained in KEADY® Vit as well as zinc and beta-carotene.
According to the Consensus Report and ESPEN-ESPGHAN-ECFS guidelines, these substances are often deficient in CF patients, but depending on the course of the disease it may also be necessary to supplement other nutrients (sodium, potassium, iron, pancreatic enzymes, vitamin B12, etc.). Thus, the product KEADY® Vit can be considered a supplementary balanced diet.
The aim is to use KEADY® Vit to supplement the low level of vitamins A, D, E and K in children with cystic fibrosis.