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Malabsorption and maldigestion cause cystic fibrosis to have a medically necessary nutrient requirement, as the body is unable to digest food normally and absorb the nutrients contained in the food due to a genetic defect.
Due to the genetic defect, the chloride channels of the cells are damaged, so that the secretion of all exocrine glands is disturbed. Affected are the respiratory tract and lungs, gastrointestinal tract, liver and bile, reproductive organs and sweat glands. If nutrients such as vitamins and minerals (zinc) can not be absorbed in sufficient quantities from the diet, it is good to supplement them with a dietary supplement. The patients have an increased energy requirement due to the multiple disease events, but at the same time there is a reduced intake (disturbed digestion). CF patients are therefore under regular medical supervision. Especially in children, the control of physical development (thriving) in the foreground.
To compensate for deficits due to impaired food intake (eg vitamin deficiency), the European Consensus Report and the recent ESPEN-ESPGHAN-ECFS guidelines on the nutrition of CF patients [1] recommend the intake of certain nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, trace elements, including the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K contained in KEADY® Vit as well as zinc and beta-carotene.
According to the Consensus Report and ESPEN-ESPGHAN-ECFS guidelines, these substances are often deficient in CF patients, but depending on the course of the disease it may also be necessary to supplement other nutrients (sodium, potassium, iron, pancreatic enzymes, vitamin B12, etc.). Thus, the product KEADY® Vit can be considered a supplementary balanced diet.
The aim is to use KEADY® Vit to supplement the low level of vitamins A, D, E and K in children with cystic fibrosis.

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The Institut Fresenius in Berlin has examined the release profile of vitamin A acetate in KEADY ® Vit under test report no. 170015013-1. With the result: The complete release of this Leitvitamins already takes place after one hour under “stomach conditions”.

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Bei cystischer Fibrose liegt durch Malabsorption und Maldigestion ein medizinisch bedingter Nährstoffbedarf vor, da der Körper aufgrund eines Gendefektes nicht in der Lage ist, Lebensmittel normal zu verdauen und die in den Lebensmitteln enthaltenen Nährstoffe aufzunehmen.
Durch den Gendefekt sind die Chloridkanäle der Zellen geschädigt, so dass die Sekretion aller exokrinen Drüsen gestört ist. Betroffen sind die Atemwege und Lungen, Magen-Darm-Trakt, Leber und Galle, Fortpflanzungsorgane und Schweißdrüsen. Wenn Nährstoffe wie Vitamine und Mineralstoffe (Zink) nicht in ausreichender Menge aus der Nahrung aufgenommen werden können, ist es gut, sie mit einem Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zuzuführen. Die Patienten haben durch das multiple Krankheitsgeschehen einen erhöhten Energiebedarf, zugleich besteht aber eine verminderte Zufuhr (gestörte Verdauung). CF-Patienten stehen deshalb unter regelmäßiger medizinischer Überwachung. Insbesondere bei Kindern steht die Kontrolle der körperlichen Entwicklung (Gedeihen) im Vordergrund.
Um Defizite durch die gestörte Nahrungsaufnahme (z. B. Vitaminmangel) auszugleichen, wird im European Consensus Report und der neueren ESPEN-ESPGHAN-ECFS guidelines zur Ernährung von CF-Patienten[1] die Zufuhr bestimmter Nährstoffe wie Vitamine, Mineralstoffe, Spurenelemente empfohlen, darunter die in KEADY® Vit enthaltenen fettlöslichen Vitamine A, D, E und K sowie Zink und beta-Carotin.
Die genannten Substanzen sind laut Consensus Report und ESPEN-ESPGHAN-ECFS guidelines häufig bei CF-Patienten defizitär, aber es kann je nach Krankheitsverlauf auch notwendig sein, andere Nährstoffe (Natrium, Kalium, Eisen, Pankreasenzyme, Vitamin B12 etc.) zu supplementieren. Damit kann das Produkt KEADY® Vit als ergänzende bilanzierte Diät gelten.
Ziel ist es, durch KEADY® Vit bei Kindern mit cystischer Fibrose den zu niedrigen Spiegel der Vitamine A, D, E und K aufzufüllen.

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IPSICO stands for intellectual property and scientific cooperation – What is our goal: We are essentially concerned with the needs and wishes of patients, especially children. We believe that many of the drug forms that exist on the market today are not tailored for specific patient populations. Children are not adults, the elderly are not teenagers and the chronically ill take their medication for a lifetime. That’s why we work with many companies worldwide to make new technologies available to new formulations or packaging for these patients. It is often the transfer of concepts from other areas of technology that provide these benefits to the patient. An improved taste, easier availability of the active ingredient or patient-friendly packaging can be a valuable help. We are convinced of that. Our network spans many countries and transfers create success stories for the patients. That’s what we’re working on, with the goal of offering our customers benefits that make a difference.

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Chronically ill patients are sometimes sick of their tablets, capsules and drops. Because vitamin tablets are also part of the “medis”, we thought: It’s time we did make taking as easy as possible. KEADY® Vit is reminiscent of gummy bears – and just as easy to snack on. The full force of their potency tastes – and ensures the daytime for a ptimale micronutrient supply.

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Of course, vitamins and other dietary supplements can now be bought in food retail or in the supermarket.
But then begin the calculation and the vote – until even more pills and tablets are next to the dinner plate. KEADY® Vit, on the other hand, is the intelligent and age-appropriate way to provide cystic fibrosis patients with the perfect body’s needs – because we have understood how to increase the compliance of small patients: the dosage form as a gummy bears a high level of acceptance. The packaging with 10 vitaminized bears allows a simple and even playful dosage or administration: The contents of a bag is simply taken throughout the day – as a small snack, for dessert, as Betthupferl before brushing your teeth – or just to your heart’s content.

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All fat-soluble vitamins in KEADY Vit are pre-dissolved in our Bärchen® at the molecular level – in much the same way as sugar dissolves in water. We have put everything in a solid bear shape so that the vitamins can be released quickly in the body. In addition, the bears are lactose- and gluten-free. Real high-tech bears just!

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Children, adolescents and adults who suffer from Cystic Fibrosis (CF) often need additional supplements with the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. All these vitamins are provided by KEADY® Vit. In addition, the bears contain the indispensable trace element, as well as zinc. Ascorbic acid as a stabilizer that protects the vitamins as an antioxidant. We do not need other stabilizers. KEADY® Vit is tailored to cystic fibrosis patients, thus closing an important gap in the care of these chronically ill people and supporting them as a complementary balanced diet. Because chronically ill children and adolescents and, of course, adults already have to take enough medication in their classic form, such as tablets and capsules, we have pre-dissolved all fat-soluble vitamins in our bears at the molecular level and put everything into an innovative, well soluble Bärchen form the vitamins can be released quickly in the body.